Faced with the challenges of digital transformation, some executives do better than others, so much so that literature speaks of “digital leaders”. But in this expression, if there is digital there is also and especially leader. Mastering tools and technology is not enough without the capacity to train and mobilise. For this, they must master some key skills and adopt the winning behaviours that our observations and recent missions have allowed us to identify.
First of all provide incentive by showing an example
Fear is a major obstacle to any transformation. Above all, the challenge lies in the ability to legibly translate the impacts of digital into the strategy and action plans and make the perspectives motivating for employees. Showing what digital makes possible is accompanied by concrete actions to develop the digital agility of employees and, beyond that, their employability in a broader sense.
Management must therefore set an example in terms of openness to innovation and have a positive attitude towards new tools.
Understanding and exploiting the potential of digital in the respect of ethics
To lead by example is also to have a clear understanding of the impact of digitisation on results and ways of doing things. For example, knowing how to use search and data analysis tools, thinking in terms of “big data”, ensuring that client solutions include the latest technological advances, … The most recognised managers and executives also owe it to their intransigence on ethics, especially in the field of data use.
Interact with efficiency and intelligence
The ability to network with diverse profiles located in different parts of the world is a major asset. The leaders, digital transformation agents, that we have met are above all convinced of the need to share, disseminate and fertilise data and information. And they make this skill contagious! Then they have a very strong emotional intelligence that allows them to manage conflict with empathy and listen and negotiate in a win-win way.
Focusing development on “good skills”
Digital transformation is spreading rapidly and on a wide target. This requires a faster and more accurate identification of the skills expected of managers on the one hand, and the expansion of populations to develop on the other hand. However, if the 360 ° is recognised as a masterful skill development tool, it is still often too heavy and expensive. Today, there are faster and more economical solutions: focusing on the few behaviours that really make the difference (shorter questionnaires), debriefing results online on a dynamic platform (saving time and money), online coaching platforms, … No doubt that the use of these alternatives will develop the “digital leaders” that companies need.